NEG Micon NM52 900 kW, 70 m hubheight, SN V19830

NEG Micon NM52 900 kW, 70 m hubheight, SN V19830

€60,000 (EUR)

Available quantity:1


1x NEG Micon NM52 900 kW, 70 m, SN V19830


Year: 2006

Dismantling: September 2025

Production in kWh: 18.000.000

Tower height (hub height) 75 m

Tower type: Steel NEG Micon 70 m 3 piece with foundation ring

Rotor diameter: 52 m

Rotor blades: LM 25.5

Generator: ELIN MCS-445F21Z7B

Gearbox: Winergy PEAB 4320.0

Controls: TAC TOI 2

Location: Germany, 99817 Eisenach

GPS:  51.010526, 10.378394


Price: 60.000 € net with foundation ring, loaded, without transport


ManufacturerNEG Micon
Stock Number00029